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Support / FAQ

Frequently asked questions

If there is a new car warranty left on your car, then a warranty is included in your purchase of a tuning kit from us.

This warranty can be extended up to a maximum of 4 years or 12000 miles.

Read more about Machine Warranty here
The car inspection (Bilprovningen) has no means of checking to see if the car is tuned by BSR or original.
BSR has extensive expertise and experience in working with in torque and horsepower, so there is no risk of negatively effecting either engine durability, or of straining the transmission and clutch.

It’s also crucial that the torque is reduced in critical moments, for example when switching gears and that’s why BSR tuning kits have appropriate upwards limits on each of the gears/steps.

Our software is uniquely adated for each drivetrain, 2WD, 4WD, manual, automatic DSG, etc.
By only utilizing the max effect when you really need it, and taking advantage of the improved torque - ie a form of "unconscious eco-driving" - you can reduce the average fuel consumption by a few percent with BSR tuning, compared to the original.
Everything done on your car is logged and is traceable but, no, is normally not visible unless you specifically looking for it. We do not however recommend that you conceal the fact that your car has been tuned from your service workshop.
All the tuning kits we have are listed on our website. For information about new tuning kits and products, we recommend that you subscribe to our newsletter. Also, check out "Project Cars Wanted" to see if your car is a model that our development department is on the lookout for.

The power stated is the power measured by us in our dyno. It's not unusual that the actual power differs from the value that the manufacturer states.

Stage 1 & Stage 1+: Only software.

Stage 2: Software from Stage 1 and a sport exhaust.

Stage 3 & Up: Look at what is included in each specific Tuning kit.

Remove one of the battery cables for at least one minute, before you put it back and try to start.

If this doesn't work then connect a battery charger that is capable of delivering 25 amperes of current and synchronize your PPC. Install the rescue program in the car if it has been activated and try to start again.

Contact BSR support if the car won't start after you have synchronized your PPC and answer the following questions:

Did you have a battery charger connected during programming?

Did you abort the programming in any way? For example, turned of the ignition or pulled out the cable.

Check your car for diagnostics codes, either by using a diagnostics reader or visiting a workshop and asking them to check for diagnostic codes.

Check your PPC page for common faults in your car: https://en.bsr.se/ppc/login

If you have a PPC for your car, follow the instructions below:

Measure the acceleration time as per the following instructions:

Every measurement needs to be taken under the same conditions on the same day.

The measurement needs to be taken on a flat road always in the same direction.

Do not shift gears during the measurement.

Begin the acceleration 10km/h before the starting speed of the measurement.

Measure at least three times for each interval.

The distribution of the measured times shall not be more than three tenths.

Compare the percentual difference between original and tuned with what we state on our website for your tune. You can only compare the measured time with the same car. Write down every measurement taken and include them in your support-thread.

Contact us

BSR Svenska AB
Deltavägen 9
352 45

PPC related questions

When you buy a PPC tuning kit you have the choice to either buy your own PPC device or use a loaner (Basic) that you return.
The advantage of buying your own PPC device is that you have the assurance that you can always reset to the original settings, and that you will always be updated with the latest software.
If your service station sets your car back to the original settings, you can simply load the tuning kit again.
Those of you who already own a PPC 3 device can transfer it over to another car, and only pay for the software of the new tuning kit. This is a very economical option if you, for example, sell your car and want your new car tuned. You make the transfer yourself, quickly and easily, directly on our homepage via your own login site. As soon as the transfer is complete, the support for your old car is canceled.
Get in touch with support and we’ll send you new login details!
As PPC customer, you will continually receive software updates at no cost as long as you have a valid Tuning warranty.

The updates come out when, for example, an automobile manufacturer modifies the original software, or makes general improvements. You will be notified by email.

When you want to upgrade your software to Stage 1+ you go to your PPC-site and if you want to upgrade to Stage 3/4 you write in our support .

We will then send you a link for payment via e-mail and when it is paid we change it to the software of your choice.
After this you synchronize your PPC unit with PPC sync to download the software and then program it to your car.

Price list PPC

Stage 1 to Stage 3 / Stage E85          2500 SEK
Stage 1 to Stage 1+                            2500 SEK
Stage 3 to Stage 1                              500 SEK
Stage 1/3 to Stage 4/5                        Contact our support 

When you upgrade to a tuningstage that includes hardware upgrades (e.g. Stage 3,4,5) we recommend that you install the parts that are in the black box under the tuningstage in our website.

Download PPC Sync here 

Start by connecting your PPC unit to your car and follow the on-display instructions.

After doing a read of your car's software, it will ask you to connect the PPC to your computer to synchronize with PPC Sync. (The PPC sync program can be found on your PPC-page)

After the synchronization, the new software will have been downloaded to your PPC and after this you connect the PPC to the car to tune.

If you have software that we do not currently have on our server, it will take 1-5 days before you can download it via PPC Sync. You will then receive an e-mail when it's ready for downloading.

Make sure that the kay is in the last position before starting.

Make sure that the "Check engine" light is lit up. The "Check engine" light is also called engine lamp or CEL.

Connect a battery charger to the battery of your car if this hasn't been done already.

If the problem persists, please contact BSR support.

If you're using Windows 7: Follow the instructions for PPC3

If you are using Windows 8, 10 or 11:

Because of USB driver errors, a verification of drivers has to be de-activated. Follow the instructions in this video on how to do this:


Follow then the instructions in this document: 


The only difference from the normal procedure is that you have to manually choose the USB driver wherever it is saved on your computer.

If synchronization stops before reaching 15% the error comes from a local problem. Try the following:

Make sure that your internet connection is stable.

Start PPC sync as an administrator. (Right-click on the PPC3 Sync icon -> Run as administrator)

Change USB port and USB cable.

Turn of anti-virus programs and firewalls which are active on your computer.

Re-boot your router and/or modem.

Install PPC3 sync on another computer and synchronize it through that one.

If you have Windows 10/11, try turning off core isolation/ memory integrity.

Please return to BSR support you still cannot synchronize.

Please synchronize your PPC, and answer the following questions when you contact BSR support:

Is the battery charger connected to your battery?

Did you interrupt the programming in any way? For instance turning off the ignintion or pulled out the cable?

Yes, but only PPC3 can do a Change car.

Make sure that you receive the login details from the seller if you are going to buy or have bought a used PPC-unit. When you have your PPC-unit, you have to log in with the credentials you got from the seller on the PPC-page, change customer information, and then do a "Change car" since the PPC-unit is locked to the previous car. When you do a "Change car" you have to buy new software which fits your car.

This can happen because of a number of different reasons, for instance, low battery voltage, defective fuses and incorrect ignintion position. Contact BSR support and we will hlp you.
