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Personal data and Privacy Policy 

GDPR, the EU Data Protection Regulation, imposes higher demands on us as a company for processing your personal data. The data BSR Svenska AB collects or you give in connection with purchase or other contact is treated with maximum respect and is in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable at the time.

Storing personal data is in our database, these information is used to enable BSR Svenska AB to fulfill its commitments to you. This includes delivering your goods, delivery vouchers, but also answering your requests, including other support, as well as informing you about news, offers and updates. Personal data are only disclosed to third parties who perform services for BSR Svenska AB's behalf such as digital communications, to complete a payment, delivery of goods or which is required by law. However, they may never distribute or transfer the data to any other party.

To read more about the law and what it means: https://www.datainspektionen.se/dataskyddsreformen/
